A couple months ago, I discussed the English semi-Christian gothic death/doom band My Silent WakeCompared to their previous effort, they sound less like a clone of My Dying Bride
As the album progresses, it seems to start more clearly in their MDB-style roots and branch out from there. Indeed, opener "Et Lux Perpetua" sounds a great deal like "The Fever Sea"
From there, the album loses some of its focus as they incorporate the psychedelic elements barely touched on in their previous album. "Father" has a trance-inducing clean melody over the heavy riff, and on the next few tracks they start to sound more like Cathedral
This sounds like a lot of criticism, but really there's nothing on here that doesn't work, aside from "My Silent Wake" being forgettable. It just hasn't been made to fit together as well as it should. (And hell, at least they didn't throw in a folk track out of nowhere.) These guys know how to write a riff, they know how to create atmosphere, and they know how to write a song that builds to a satisfying crescendo.
The Verdict IV Et Lux Perpetua is a clear improvement over A Garland of Tears, and is filled with great songs, but still suffers from lack of focus. It's one of the best Christian metal albums of the year. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.
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