
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Is the picture at left too distracting? I think it looks nifty-riffic, so let me know.


  1. Actually, I like the sidebar very much--may I ask how you added it to your template?

    I appreciate your depth in posts! Cheers, -Will

  2. Well, Will, thank you. By the way, that is the Nebraska capitol building right here in Lincoln Nebraska. I snapped the shot back in March, I think.
    First you have to find the right background. I did this by changing the colors on several backgrounds. Then, do this (starting with the color):

    #FF8080 url("") no-repeat fixed;

    The word "fixed" is what makes it stand still like it does on mine. BTW, the color I posted up there I believe is a lovely pink that would go well with the color of your eyes. Creepy? Yes. Very creepy. But not so much so when you realize that from your picture I have no idea what color your eyes are.
