
Thursday, January 19, 2006

World Map

I want you to look at this map. It shows my recent visitors.

. . .

I have a couple questions. What's wrong with Greenland? Come on, people! Greenland! I've been writing this blog specifically with the Greenlandian demographic in mind! And yet, nobody from Greenland comes to the site. It's sad, really.

Also, forget Zimbabwe. I've given up on you people. You never come here. Well, you're not welcome. I'll go for other Z-countries from now on, like Zaire.

. . .

Incidentally, I can't point to either of those countries on the map.


  1. You don't know where Greenland is?

    It's the ironic iceland...

  2. Actually, I meant that I don't know where Zimbabwe and Zaire are. I can't point to any country that begins with a Z. Greenland is the one that looks bloated in the picture. They say being put near the north pole on a map adds a million acres . . . .
