
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

8 Random Facts About Myself

Normally I don't do these kinds of things, but since it was SusieQ who tagged me, I think I'll do it--but I won't tag anyone else.
1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts. 2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. 4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. 5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Of course, as I said, I won't be tagging anyone else. I'm going to use SusieQ's 8 facts as my inspiration.

1. When I was very young, I was given a stuffed rabbit, which I named Harvey. I took him everywhere I went. One time, I left him in a local retail store, and we didn't discover this until after they were closed. I didn't sleep that night, and, needless to say, neither did my mother. We were there when they opened the next day to retrieve him.
Later, he was getting quite threadbare, so he was taken away from me so he could be saved in the cedar chest. I was told that he went to help the Easter Bunny do all his work, since this was around that time of year. A few months ago, I got him back, along with a very similar rabbit for my son.

2. In the 2000 photo of all the freshmen at Concordia University in Seward, which last I knew was hanging in the Student Life Office, you can spot me because I had sprayed my hair purple that day.

3. I was the 1996 Pierce County Spelling Bee champion. I was told that on the written portion I only missed one word, "excise," out of what I believe were 100 words. Everyone gasped when I correctly spelled the word "acquiescence" during the oral portion when it was down to me and the runner-up. We actually made it to the last word in their pre-selected list, and I won with that word: "cardiac." Kind of an anti-climactic word, yes. This was when I was in eighth grade. I made it to the top 10 the previous year, but was eliminated because I forgot the first "h" in "rhythm."

4. I had a band in high school, for which I played bass. We all were pretty terrible, as we were all just then learning our respective instruments. We played "Twist of Cain" by Danzig at our high school's talent show. Minutes before we were to go on stage, my friend who was supposed to do the vocals completely forgot the rhythm (won't forget how to spell that one) to the lyrics, so I took over, and played bass as well. It was simply awful, but not as bad as our original, meandering, aimless song, which was really a very simple riff overlaid with weird, simplistic guitar solos which were supposed to be interesting because of the cool effects pedal my friend had.

5. This past weekend I made, with the help of my wonderful mother-in-law, some peach rhubarb jam. It was made with 5 cups of rhubarb, a cup of water, a can of peach pie filling, 4 cups of sugar, and two packets of Jell-O. It ended up far too runny, so next time I'll drop the cup of water from the recipe.

6. I hate tomatoes with a burning, fiery passion. Yet, I enjoy marinara sauce, pizza sauce, and salsa. Tomato juice disgusts me, but my own recipe for Full Metal Chili (which I will someday share, when it gets colder outside) requires tomato juice as the base.

7. I have never experienced the negative effects of too much alcohol (i.e. passing out, vomiting, blacking out) because I have always drank responsibly (and I rarely ever touched it before I turned 21). I have experienced slurred speech and impaired motor skills, on occasion, but I use that as my signal to switch to drinking water or coffee. I have a high metabolism, so I experience the effects quickly, but they leave me quickly as well.

8. Right now, Laura and I are taking shifts at night for taking care of Link. I stay up with him until at least 3:00 a.m. (although I usually take a nap) and then she takes over. I then sleep until about 10:00 a.m.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed learning a little about me. I should post more often, shouldn't I? It was kind of enjoyable.


  1. Bless your heart, Kelly. I feel honored that you went along with this tag and "revealed" a few facts about yourself.

    The story about your stuffed rabbit Harvey was touching toward the end there. It reminds me of the Teddy Bear which our youngest daughter still has. It's been through the mill. I couldn't get it away from her so that I could put it in storage for later on. I remember the day old Teddy lost his head. It fell off right before our daughter was to board the school bus one morning. Oh, was she in tears. I promised her I would sew his head back on that day, and I did. You would have thought I was God when she came home and saw her Teddy put back together again. Her gratitude was almost too much for me to handle.

    Purple hair? Sweet!

    I knew you were a good speller.

    Full Metal Chili? Now that's a recipe I can't wait to add to my gigantic collection of recipes. But honestly, Kelly, I do not understand how a person can hate tomatoes with a "burning, fiery passion" unless you are talking about those good for nothing tomatoes you buy in the grocery stores during the winter months. How can you turn your nose up at the juicy home grown variety though? What about BLT's? Do you have any idea how delicious those are? Just a plain old tomato sandwich minus the lettuce and bacon is terrific. I suppose there is no accounting for taste in the end.

    Thanks for making my day!

    P.S. The Baby. Remember when I told you to get all the sleep you could BEFORE the baby arrives? I hope you took my advice. But all that will pass in a few months and everyone in your household will be sleeping like babies at night. The next time you will start losing sleep again is when your son starts driving and takes the car and goes out on a date or with his friends. You won't be able to fall to sleep until he comes home at night.

  2. You'd be amazed how many people don't like tomatoes. It's a very common distaste--and yes, I've tried fresh ones from the garden. Laura doesn't like them either! We have BLT's from time to time, except we should call them BLC's or BLOC's (C for cheese and O for onion--now that's good stuff).

    Another interesting thing, food-related, is that I love onions, and I have since some time in high school.

    About the baby thing, though, everyone says you need to get sleep beforehand, but I just figured everyone was exaggerating. Usually people do. I was wrong, though. I should have listened.

  3. I think good spelling is key to a happy life. Just kidding. Not really. But I am a good speller and I like other good spellers. Is that narrow-minded of me?

  4. You named your kid Link? That's cool.
