
Friday, February 17, 2012

Metal Political Endorsements

By now you've probably heard that Dave Mustaine endorsed Rick Santorum for President, which is pretty weird when you think about how he has been critical of Republicans in the past. The best commentary on this issue that I've read was from Jay Leno. I don't watch him, and I think he's generally a has-been, but even a broken clock is right twice a day:
Well, a lot of celebrities are now coming forward with their political endorsements. This week, the lead singer of the heavy metal band, Megadeth, says he's endorsing Rick Santorum. That's what he said. Me, I'm going to wait until I hear what Lemmy from Motörhead has to say.


  1. I believe this was a rumor but he does typically support Republicans. I get quite tired of musicians/celebrities spewing their political opinions. The sad part is many folks listen to musicians/actors/etc. and base their vote on that fact alone which is why we're in the sorry state we've been in the last 20 years.

  2. I hadn't heard about this, but I honestly couldn't care less what any celebrity has to say about politics.

  3. I was thinking about how he used George H.W. Bush sound bites mockingly in the early 90's.

    I don't care what celebrities think about politics either. Anyone who has a brain and a soul would not feel comfortable endorsing any politician out there, or at least not one that I've ever seen. But I think it's pretty simplistic to say that is why we're in such a sorry state. It's the political/media dynamic. There are precious few honest, impartial journalists out there. The media doesn't give you a true and complete story, but instead they take a five second sound bite out of an hour-long event and then twists that sound bite to mean something entirely different. There are a few exceptions (60 Minutes is one of the better ones, since they still do actual investigation and complete stories) but not nearly enough of them.

  4. I should also say that, on this joke, Leno destroyed Letterman. Letterman did the exact same joke, but instead of Lemmy he used Metallica.

  5. i don't normally endorse the use of hard drugs, but i think i liked megadave more on heroin.

    however, i do give him credit for comparing ron paul to bug killer (paraphrased from memory): 99 percent inert gas, but it's that 1 percent that can really mess you up.

  6. Doesn't Mustaine know that Rick Santorum would probably ban metal if given the chance?

  7. Andrew, I don't think Paul is that bad as a person running in the race. I don't think anyone seriously believes he can win, and if he did then that would probably be bad. But he does serve the important purpose of making people examine some of their assumptions.

    BreadGod, I heard that same thing somewhere else (I think it was Wait Wait Don't Tell Me) but I don't quite buy that. Don't get me wrong, I like Santorum even less than I like anyone else in the field, but I think even he would have a certain degree of respect for what's spelled out in the Constitution.

  8. Wasn't it Tipper Gore (Democrat) who started the PMRC and attacked heavy metal, not Repulicans?

    I have little hope for Obama or whichever Republican may win, so I still pay attention and try to keep positive. Kind of hard these days.

  9. The recordings of Bush in his music occurred prior to Dave becoming a born-again Christian. I would expect him to typically side with Republicans politically.
