
Friday, September 13, 2013

Thank You, Michael Westen

I deleted my number 1 priority DVR timer tonight.

I had been watching Burn Notice for the last three years, since a little while after I broke down and got satellite TV. I don't think it was really that great a show. The acting wasn't great (it did have Bruce Campbell in a central role), and if you thought about the plot too critically some of it just seemed a little too implausible. But it's entertained me a great deal. It had everything a show like this needs, with likable characters, plenty of twists, and lots of cheesy humor. I also found the main character's relationship with his mother to be extremely touching and powerful. The actress playing his mother won an Emmy for the role.

After jumping in mid-stream, I went back and watched every episode. The series ended earlier tonight, and they did a fantastic job of taking it there. After years of coming closer and closer to the truth of a conspiracy, finally facing it, they could only engage the possibility of becoming their own enemies. There was nowhere else for the series to go without taking it down the crapper, which thankfully they never did--even after seven seasons.

I'm going to ignore the minor plot hole that doesn't explain how the last scene ended up with all three of the characters who were there, instead of just the two, because I really loved the show.


1 comment:

  1. I never really got into Burn Notice, but that was in part because of how brilliant Jeffrey Donovan and Vera Farmiga were in the short-lived U.S. version of Touching Evil. It was hard not to be a little disappointed after TE, although I'll definitely check out whatever Donovan does next.
