
Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Shitfucker: Suck Cocks in Hell (2013)


Well, it finally happened. Congress fucking screwed up in a big way, leading to the first government shutdown in 17 years.

Are you tired of all the juvenile, petty assholes in Washington playing games with real people's lives? It's time for something a bit classier. It's time . . . for Shitfucker.

The Michigan-based band has been kicking around for the last 8 years, but the exquisitely titled Suck Cocks in Hell is their first full-length. It's not the kind of music that demands, you know, an extensive critical analysis. The intro and outro sound a little like Menace Ruine (and I'm pretty sure the latter is the former backmasked). The rest is some of the raunchiest speed metal I've heard in a hell of a long time, and it's infectious.

Shitfucker sound like a Motörhead tribute band living in the Manhattan of Escape from New York. Living in what nearly constitutes civilization, a little bit demented, a little bit retarded. (I'm just going to go out on a limb here and guess that if you've made it this far, you won't find that too offensive.)

And, like I said, it's catchy. "Demonic Rock" sounds a lot like the verse of "Them Not Me" (Overnight Sensation). "Sex Dungeon" has some clean punk vocals that show they're having a good time.

I shitfucking love this stuff.

The Verdict: 4 out of 5 stars

By the way, the government shutdown doesn't directly affect my job. Although I work for the federal government, I don't get paid out of taxes.

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