
Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Kvlt Black Metal Briefs


Not long ago I told you that I went on a binge of listening to totally untrue music. When that happens, I typically have to balance myself out with the opposite, or I never feel right. Incidentally, I didn't plan to give them all the same score.

Chasma: Codex Constellatia (2013)
3.5 out of 5 stars

Since they're from Portland I don't think Chasma will be too offended when I tell you they sound a lot like Deafheaven's first record. It's post-black metal, but a bit heavier and angrier than Roads to Judah, and quite worth your time if you haven't dismissed them outright based on this description.

Architect of Disease: Open the Hearts (2013)
3.5 out of 5 stars

"Without Divine Intervention" is the track that drew me into Open the Hearts, but throughout the record there's mid-paced black metal with a lot of tempo shifts, a few short solos, and some grunty vocals. The production job is only partially Polish: it's crisp enough, but quieter and with much more dynamic range than I've come to expect from the country. The only real negative here is that, toward the end of the record, they seem to drag it out a bit.

End of Time Records

Trepaneringsritualen & Sutekh Hexen: One Hundred Year Storm (2014)
3.5 out of 5 stars

Let me put this in meme form for you: I don't always listen to drone/ambient black metal, but when I do, I prefer Sutekh Hexen. The band was interesting before, but this collaboration with the, uh, impenetrably named Trepaneringsritualen is even better. Two tracks of about 25 minutes each are here. The first is indistinct but extremely menacing black metal with lots of static, the second is droning percussion and extremely menacing vocals, and then aggressive electronic hammering. The excited redneck/frat boy cheering and applause making it somehow more unnerving. Look, you either like it or you don't, but no matter what you're not going to "get it."

Unfortunately, I can't find a sample to play for you, but listen to any Sutekh Hexen and you'll get the gist.

Pesanta Urfolk


  1. I can help you out with explaining the name "Trepaneringsritualen."
    It's Swedish, a word in three parts:
    Tre = Three
    Panering = Breading (from Breading. 5. Cookery. to cover with breadcrumbs or meal.)
    Ritualen = (definite form of) Ritual

    So, that translates the whole name to:
    The Triple Breading Ritual / The Ritual of Three Breadings

    1. Thanks! I saw on their web site that they had the three initials, but I didn't dig that deep.

    2. I saw him live in March this year. Quite the surreal experience.
      That kind of music is not my usual cup of tea, but it was an amazing performance.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Glad somebody clarified that. I was assuming it was an odd take on "trepanning ritual".

    1. Haha. That makes a lot more sense! I didn't know about that procedure (well, the name of it) and was also thrown off by the triple letter acronym.

      I'm out. Don't listen to a word I'm saying!
