
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Metal Briefs: Doom EPs

At the Graves at Sea

Where my doom at? There seems to be a drought of doom as of late. Perhaps it’s at the graves, which may be at sea. But a few short players have found their way into my hands.

Graves at Sea: This Place Is Poison (2014)
4 out of 5 stars

I've got to admit, I'm a sucker for Black Sabbath covers. This EP by Graves at Sea features an original tune that showcases their brand of sludge/doom with acidic, croaking vocals. But for me, it's an unrecognizable version of "Orchid" and a slower, more hostile "Lord of This World" that really grab my attention.

At the Graves: Umbral (2014)
3.5 out of 5 stars

I've been following At the Graves for a while now, and I've picked up on a few things. Hardcore drumming in a sludge/doom context can be a good thing. They have a knack for tension, mood, and dissonance. I've never been especially fond of the hardcore vocals, but they're not bad. On the band's latest EP, closer "Hive" is all the evidence you need that this band is worth your attention. The other two tracks on the EP unfortunately feel a little like they're just going through the motions. But it's pay-what-you-want, so check it out.

Bitchcraft: Bitchcraft (2013)
3 out of 5 stars

OK, I couldn’t figure out how to fit Bitchcraft into my at the graves at sea thing. But Bitchcraft play fuzzy stoner doom with a husky-voiced woman at the mic, voice muffled by some trick or other, for a sound that's very satisfying. The riffs are catchy, too, especially "Acid Dream." But these songs either need three times as many riffs, or they need to be cut down to three minutes instead of eight.

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard the new releases by Purple Hill Witch or Bongripper?
